

I didn’t know what I didn’t know. For my first 5 decades, I did what I was taught - get good grades, marriage, children. I loved my life but I often felt there was more for me to do; something more meaningful.

In search of something more, I followed other people’s suggestions – reading and teaching the Akashic Records, becoming a health coach, writing a book, becoming a yoga teacher – until I discovered alchemy and the Mastery of Your Information course.

That course set me on my path. It helped me clear my channels enough to differentiate my Higher Self from the other noise in my head. I began to know intuitively what was next to do. I recognized the fear of getting it wrong, doubting that healing was real, and I began to feel the unconscious clouds that drifted in and out of my awareness.

Then one day it clicked into place and I realized that aligning with my Higher Self was THE power move and the easiest path to creating the life I always wanted. I understood challenges were experiences to grow through, a healing opportunity.

I also knew this wasn’t for me to keep to myself. I was a bridge to help others connect with their Higher Self, their innate knowing. I was here to share my experiences and knowledge in that same transformational course, “Mastery of Your Information.”

Now, after four years of teaching hundreds of students how to manifest with more power and gain clearer access to their Higher Self’s information, I wake up in the morning knowing I am connected to a bigger picture in the world. I love helping others discover the same for themselves.


I believe in synchronicities! I know everything happens in divine timing and divine perfection. You are here because we have an agreement to work together.

Now let’s decide what that looks like!

  • Are you looking for more access to your own information?
  • Do you want healing around pain, fear, shame, anxiety or something you don’t understand?
  • Are you looking for your peeps to connect with?

I can help. After over a decade of learning and healing what blocks my access to my higher self, I understand your need to connect with you. 

Clearing your divine channels of communication is what we do in the year-long course, Mastery of Your Information. 

Listening to the Claims of Truth Podcast, The Kingdom provides big healing opportunities as you listen and learn.

The Claims of Truth Healing Circle teaches you to use the claims of truth (attunements) from Paul Selig’s channeled books to heal ourselves, others and the field.

Healings are always available as a Premium member on UpWORD right along with a deep opportunity to connect with others interested in healing alchemy.
